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We Simply Can Not See It All

I was watching a travel show the other day and had the realization that even professional travelers – who have been traveling for years and years – still have not seen it all. Think about that. Even if we could travel nearly year-round, for years, there would still be places in the world we have never been.

On that same show, there was a guest who was born in the country in which they were filming and grew up just just 100 miles away from this destination, yet he had never been there before. Again, think about that. We could travel to multiple countries, visit hundreds of places, and yet still have destinations just a few hours from home that we may never see.

It is a humbling thought and a powerful perspective. We simply can not see it all. There are so many destinations, so many sites, so much history and culture, so much natural beauty on our small planet. There is just so much to see! Whether our next destination is just an hour away from home or halfway across the globe, it is a place that millions of people will never be! Even at the most popular of destinations, our experience in that place, at that time, is unique.

There will always be people who travel much more extensively than we do. There will always be a great number of people in this world who never have the opportunity to travel at all. Personally, I have always known that I would never see it all – I will not even see all the destinations just on my short list of places I'd most like to see in this world – but, I will relish each opportunity I have to explore another small patch of our planet.